Application Process
The Rogue Corporate Family maintains a very open recruitment policy. We welcome all pilots, old and new, Alpha and Omega, to become a part of our family. Our requirements are simply...
Step Zero (Optional)
If you do not already have a suitable combat character, you will want to create one. Our recommendation is to create a second account. You will want to make sure you use a buddy link so you have an extra 1,000,000 SP to work with. This will be important in getting this character proficient in our combat doctrines quickly.
Step One
After clicking on the above link, follow the prompts to authorize HMASeAT access to your game information. You should do this with the character you consider to be your "main" as this will be what is used for Discord. You can change this later, if desired. Once logged in, click on the cogs in the top right and select Link Character. Follow the prompts and repeat as needed to add all associated characters.
Step Two
While logged into HMASeAT click on Connector > Identities > Join Server and follow the prompts to link your account to Discord.
Step Three
Submit your application in-game.
To expedite processing, feel free to reach out to us on the Discord.