Greetings, capsuleer.

I am Winston Enderas, former CEO of RogueCorp and Founder and President Emeritus of the Hek Mining Association. The Rogue Corporate Family, consisting of our industry-focused RogueCorp and our combat-focused Rogue Corps, is built around helping new and returning pilots transition successfully into the world of New Eden. We approach this both in terms of providing material and educational resources but also through the passing along of our shared culture and values. Three years ago, we expanded our mission to include assisting fledgling corporations and alliances through the Hek Mining Association, your friendly neighborhood cartel. Our public NPSI fleets provide corporations the chance to show off what they can do and our shared infrastructure allows smaller corporations and alliances to take advantage of opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable to them.


Ostensibly a mining and industrial operation, RogueCorp [ROGCO] is the public face of the collection of scoundrels and vigilantes known as The Rogues. Although their primary loyalty is to each other, they are devoted to the Minmatar Republic and to personal freedom. As part of their ongoing efforts to safeguard the Minmatar people, they have organized the Hek Mining Association to protect our mineral resources and ensure they remain viable for generations to come.

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Rogue Corps

Rogue Corps [ROGFW] fights Amarr and Caldari loyalists as part of faction warfare. Solo and small-gang PvP offers some of the highest fun/hour of any activity in Eve. And, faction warfare is a ready source of such activity. We highly encourage everyone to create a new account and enlist with us. Additionally, Rogue Corps is responsible for protecting RogueCorp and HMA interests through judicious application of force.

Hek Mining Association

The Hek Mining Association, or HMA, takes great pride in our efforts to build a strong and independent community within Hek and the surrounding systems. Dubbing ourselves the friendly neighborhood cartel, we began in 124 YC by organizing the first public NPSI mining fleets. Since then, we have continued to expand our reach and the services we offer to our beloved community.

The HMA is perhaps best known for our public NPSI mining fleets. However, while these fleets most clearly demonstrate the spirit of the HMA, any fleet could be an HMA public fleet. We do not distinguish between activities. By taking on the mantle of Bosmang and running fleets in cooperation with the HMA, you are taking advantage of a powerful recruitment tool. And, in doing so, you strengthen the HMA brand increasing the benefits of participation.

Bosmangs are encouraged to coordinate their own buyback when running public fleets so as to take advantage of a ready pool of producers. However, the HMA also maintains its own standing Buyback Program. Visit HMA Buyback in-game channel for more information. HMA Members in good standing also have the opportunity to fulfill customer orders for a higher rate of return.

To help coordinate our efforts, we offer a publicly available Discord server. Additional secured channels are also available for those who authenticate their accounts via HMASeaT. Although not required, this is highly recommended to take full advantage of the servers functionality such as our secured comms, order notifications, fleet notifications, and recruitment channels.

Authentication services are an important part of maintaining security and organization for any Eve Online community. However, not all corporations or alliances have the resources to maintain such a service for themselves. As such, HMASeAT is made available to all HMA Members in good standing. We encourage you take advantage of the features and functionality it offers. Corporate and Alliance leadership should reach out on our Discord to be granted appropriate access.

The HMA Wiki is a repository of our hard-earned knowledge. In addition to documenting the processes and procedures of the HMA, our Wiki also provides guidance and instruction on how to thrive in the world of New Eden. As with all of our activities, everyone is encouraged to contribute their particular knowledge and skills to our community knowledge-base.

Rogue's Gallery is our sporadically updated blog about all things Rogue. We welcome anyone to share their thoughts and opinions on Eve Online.

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RogueCorp Studios is responsible for generating video content for the Rogue Corporate Family and the Hek Mining Association. This includes entertainment, propoganda, and instructional videos. If you wish to assist in creating and managing our video content, please let us know.

If you can't be with us in space, you can be with us in spirit.

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If you're looking for a new supplier, look no further than the HMA. Our local market domination and network of partners allows us to provide Jita prices with local service. Free delivery within 5 High-Sec jumps from Hek. Specializing in high-volume contracts.

When not defending HMA interests, Rogue Corps makes itself available for a variety of contracted combat operations. Whether you need assistance defending your assets, fleet defense, or you're just looking to harass your competition we are your local provider of marginally-skilled muscle. Rogue Corps, we're not good but we're cheap.