The HMA is a non-profit organization that relies entirely on contributions from our community. To help keep us in the black, consider doing one of the following.

Tip your Bosmang.

This one is so important we put it in our Fleet Rules. Tipping your bosmang a share of the extra income you gain from their boosts goes a long way to making sure there is always someone around to give them. Officially, we recommend 25% assuming maximum boosts and compression. However, any amount is appreciated; unless you’re in a Venture in which case your money’s no good here.

Donate ISK

ISK donations may be made directly to Hek Mining Association, our financial holding corporation.

Donate Assets

Please contract or deliver any asset donations (including PLEX) to Marent Vincent Broderick or Amity Lane. If possible, assets should be located at IChooseYou Market and Industry in Hek but we ain’t that picky.

Donate Structures

If you’d like to donate a structure (or a few) as part of the HMA Structure Network just transfer said structure(s) to Hek Mining Association. Donating a structure gets you free access to all structures in the network. Currently the HMA Structure Network has been suspended due to hostilities from Minmatar Fleet. Please send any questions or concerns to BearThatCares.

Donate Skills

If you have a particular set of skills, consider donating your time and abilities. Are a smashing video editor? RogueCorp Studios could use your expertise. Are you a marketing genius? Help us with recruiting. A dropper of phat beats? Make us a theme song. Just have something to say? Consider writing for this very blog. Whatever you have to offer we’re willing to take it. Hit us up at [email protected] or join us on the Discord.

Donate Cash

Finally, you can donate real money or buy some of our purely hypothetical merchandise through Ko-fi. This goes to cover the cost of infrastructure maintenance and upgrades as well as other incidentals such as hookers and blow. Please keep in mind that we are only an imaginary non-profit so don’t go trying to write this off on your taxes. Who knows, maybe you suckers can pay to send the HMA to fanfest some day.