Despite our name, the Hek Mining Association™ is about more than mining. At its core, it is about engaging players – new and old – and helping them to find their own path in New Eden. And, there are a number of ways in which you can participate.
Join a Fleet
Although we are most commonly known for our HMA Public Mining Fleets we also run other kinds of fleets to help people experience more of what Eve Online has to offer. To find a fleet visit our Discord, check out Fleet Up! or the Hek Mining Association channel in-game, or take a look at the Fleet Schedule.
Run a Fleet
As a volunteer organization, our fleets are a labor of love. If you feel like taking on the mantle of bosmang and bringing content to the people, please review the Fleet Standards in our Rules and Regulations and How to Run an HMA Public Mining Fleet [Updated]. To add your fleet to our Fleet Schedule send an email to [email protected].
Write Something For Our Blog
Although subject to editorial review, everyone is invited to share their thoughts and opinions in the form of blog articles here at the Rogue’s Gallery. Anything related to internet spaceships, the Rogue lifestyle, or whatever is more than welcome.
Help Create Video Content for RogueCorp Studios
To help spread our message of “peace and love” we have set up a YouTube channel, RogueCorp Studios. If you are interested in assisting with the product of HDI: Eve videos and other content or just have video captures you think could be useful, let us know.