Embracing Morality in Eve Online: Unveiling the Good, the Bad, and the Unsettling


In the expansive universe of Eve Online, we’re not confined to a single path. Today, we might be a hero; tomorrow, a rogue. Personally, I often lean towards the rogue side. But there’s a twist – being a troublemaker in the game doesn’t mean we’re mischief-makers in real life. Consider this: those causing chaos in […]

Shooting Up, Part Three


I was a big fan of DUST 514. For those who aren’t familiar, this was a PS3 exclusive first-person shooter which ran from 2013 to 2016 that (debatably) connected with Eve Online. To be clear, I wasn’t very good nor do I think the game itself was very good. But, the idea of an FPS […]

Congratulations, Miss Danuja


As those who are avid readers of the James 315 Space blog are likely already aware, the illustrious Aiko Danuja has decided to retire from Eve Online, at least temporarily. Although she does not say so explicitly, the subtext is clear; she has “won”. Although the departure of such a prominent figure in the CODE-Enforcement […]

Anti-Ganking: The Hidden Menace


One of the most common points of contention with the HMA is our pro-ganking stance. Which seems like an odd hill to die on considering we are a NPSI mining/ganking community. But, to each their own. Truth be told, it’s not an unreasonable sentiment on the surface. We actively allow and encourage gankers to join […]

The Worst Game Worth Playing


Around ten years ago, I played World of Warcraft for a day and then I stopped. However, it was an entire day from dawn to dusk. Clearly, this was a game that had the potential to consume me while its carefully crafted dopamine triggers pushed my every button. And so, seeing the trap set before […]