Voting is live for the CSM Elections.


It’s that time of year again where we vote for the upcoming Council of Stellar Management. For those who aren’t familiar, the CSM is – in essence – a focus group that CCP consults with regarding the direction of the game. While it is important to understand that they hold no actual authority they do […]

Now Under Old Management


I wish to announce that the both the Hek Mining Association corporation and Hek Mining Alliance alliance (see Accept No Substitutions) are now under HMA control. In the coming weeks, we will begin transitioning administrative and leadership duties to this new corporation. Although I still consider the HMA to be largely self-governing, our new corporate […]

Rules of the Road


Communities are defined by rules, either implied or explicit. They indicate both what behavior is expected and what behavior is prohibited by its members. The HMA is no exception. Although our rules as an organization have changed significantly over the years, our rules for the expected behavior in our fleets remain largely the same. Our […]

Armistice with Nebula Mining Operations


For reasons I do not feel at liberty to discuss, it has come to my attention that the rogue elements within Nebula Industries And Frozen Assets are likely acting without the consent or possibly even awareness of their alliance leadership. Due to this state of affairs, I am requesting a temporary end to sanctions of […]

Updated Buyback Process


As some of you may be aware, Evepraisal has shut down. For full details regarding that decision, I refer you to their website. However, as our buyback process is heavily dependent on this tool, it does put us in a rough spot. Of the available alternatives, we feel that Janice will serve as the most […]

Bosmang Learning & Accreditation Program


Oye M’beltas, As mentioned in our anniversary post, one of our main objectives for this year is to develop a program to help provide skill plans, training, financial assistance, and vetting to prospective HMA fleet leaders. While anyone can, and is encouraged to, run an HMA fleet a Bosmang is one who has shown that […]

I Quit, Part 2


Now that I have your attention, please allow me to elaborate. I am not quitting Eve. I am not quitting RogueCorp. I am not even really quitting the HMA. However, I am taking a step back and focusing time and energy on my own corporations. The truth is that I’m tired. I am tired of […]

Reintroducing the HMA Structure Network


Let’s get straight to the point… structures are an expensive pain in the ass. And yet, they are an essential infrastructure element for many groups. They offer freedom, flexibility, and (at sufficient scale) cost savings. So, what is a small corp that wants the benefits of structure ownership without the upkeep to do? Why, they […]

Oops… I did it again [Happy Anniversary]


Boy does time fly when you have the attention span of a cocaine-fueled housefly, as it seems I’ve missed yet another anniversary. As of March 16th 2023, the HMA has been bringing you murder and mining for two whole years. If you’ve been with us from the beginning… Why? If you’re one of our newer […]